Hier soir, spectacle double au Festival de Jazz de Montréal : la chanteuse torontoise Molly Johnson, suivie d'Al Jarreau. Molly, d'un naturel désarmant, très à l'aise sur scène, était visiblement très heureuse d'être à Montréal. Elle nous a offert des succès de ses différents albums, tels que Monkey, Lucky et la très belle pièce Rain, dont le magnifique vidéo a été tourné dans le Vieux-Montréal. Possédant un timbre de voix légèrement rocailleux et d'une chaude sensualité, Molly se distingue des chanteuses formatées par une forte personnalité et une technique assumée. Riche d'un univers qui va du jazz le plus classique à la pop la plus éclatée, Molly possède aujourd'hui cette maturité qui séduit. Vidéo du spectacle de Molly Johnson à Montréal. Gracieuseté de Sortiesjazznights.com:Concerts
Jazz Video - Molly Johnson Rain
Al Jarreau, quant à lui, nous a gratifié d'un tour de chant à l'américaine. Un orchestre rodé au quart de tour, une chanteuse énergique pour soutenir le tout et nous voilà parti! Il vaut parfois mieux laisser nos idoles occuper sagement le confort de notre imaginaire...
Vidéo du spectacle d'Al Jarreau à Montréal. Gracieuseté de Sortiesjazznights.com:
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7 commentaires:
I don't think you could find more perfect and exact words to describe Molly:)
Wonderful, wonderful. She needs to read this:) Thank you dear JF for your generosity in sharing beauty!
beautiful sights in montreal, makes me want to go.. and a lovely song, she has a very special voice. thank you jf!
and i see what you mean about her, when i watch the second video--how she looks at the camera, she is very sassy, but in a subtle way, confident. i like her very much!
@ Vesna,
Thank you. Molly is indeed a beautiful lady.
I would love Molly to read this of course. I know she loves Montreal as much as I love her :-)
@ Zoe,
Sassy... what a beautiful word! It does describe her perfectly. I think Molly would like that word...
Thanks for your visit!
Come to Montreal anytime you want dear Zoe. You would enjoy :-)
Hello Jaaa
wonder these two
I loved to attend the Montreal festival
Your Blog is excellent
Did everyone the same concert i saw???!!!
Molly was cute ...funny...but a world class jazz singer she was not. (save for the last song when she finally let her voice go...she was holding back all eveneing .
As for Al...well what a disapiontemnent! Too old..his voice is gone and to cover these huge shortcommings, they put a girl who screamed all night (with uncoregraphed amaturish dancing) and such a loud band that the crowd started heckeling that they could not hear AL!! (not even mentioning that Al kept leaning on stools and speakers between songs...short of breath)
I paid close to 200$ for those tickets....and am very sad....
Al is gone forever!
@ Fred,
Thanks for taking the time to read my post and write this comment.
What can I say Fred? I love Molly, I think she's cool. She's got no inflated ego and I ain't looking for Celine Dion in a jazz singer...
As for Al, well, I'll translate my last sentence:
Sometimes your idols are better left to the comfort of your imagination.
'Nuff said...
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