Bewitched, bothered and bewildered On notera que plusieurs vers de la chanson originale de Lorenz Hart furent modifiés pour en minimiser les connotations sexuelles. Ainsi Couldn't sleep And wouldn't sleep, Until I could sleep where I shouldn't sleep devint simplement Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleep, When love came and told me, I shouldn't sleep. De plus, My mistake I agree devint He is cold I agree. Et la meilleure, And worship the trousers that cling to him (Je vénère les pantalons qui lui collent à la peau) devint And long for the day when I'll cling to him (Je me languis du jour où je me cramponnerai à lui). Il fut un temps où même les métaphores semblaient trop osées... Si vous lisez Jazz Frisson dans un agrégateur de nouvelles et voulez écouter tout le contenu musical que je propose, cliquez ici sur Jazz Frisson.
Paroles de Lorenz Hart
I'm wild again, beguiled again
A simpering, whimpering child again
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I
Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleep
When love came and told me, I shouldn't sleep
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I
Lost my heart, but what of it
He is cold I agree
He can laugh, but I love it
Although the laugh's on me
I'll sing to him, each spring to him
And long for the day when I'll cling to him
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am ITAGS:
Un billet de Jazz Frisson, votre blogue de jazz francophone.
samedi 31 octobre 2009
Frisson Jazz
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2 commentaires:
Marvellous... thank you for sharing this remembrance, my dearest JF!
Such a beautiful song, and the modofications of the lyrics is very interesting:) thank you for another wonderful post dear JF
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